Train to Penn Station
Crazy Bill just walked out the 3am door
Didn’t even say goodbye. Earlier, halfway down
The bottle of rum, he’d run round the penthouse ledge
Screaming. (Man on the train talks about Brit MPs
Caught in a Ruckus). Nikolai described his
Abuelos farm in Nowhereville, Bahia Blanca
(The only sound is the crash of the olas);
Ben drank and ate with lean Yorkshire grit;
Steve and Ciara waltzed, laughed, looked in love
Beneath the halo of a capital night, White House
Out of view, Brazil on their horizon. (Iraq’s
A mess, says the man behind me, like he knows).
Crazy Bill just walked out the 3am door
Didn’t even say goodbye. Earlier, halfway down
The bottle of rum, he’d run round the penthouse ledge
Screaming. (Man on the train talks about Brit MPs
Caught in a Ruckus). Nikolai described his
Abuelos farm in Nowhereville, Bahia Blanca
(The only sound is the crash of the olas);
Ben drank and ate with lean Yorkshire grit;
Steve and Ciara waltzed, laughed, looked in love
Beneath the halo of a capital night, White House
Out of view, Brazil on their horizon. (Iraq’s
A mess, says the man behind me, like he knows).
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