The house where the President was born isn’t there
Anymore. Just a patch of land with half a dozen
Coconut trees and two tethered cows. Nearby a
Man works with his child, cutting back grass to feed the
Cows. He and the child kneel close to the floor, using
A hand scythe. The child’s more or less the same age as
Was the President when he left for the city
To look for work. The first steps on the long trek that
Lead him from this backwoods place to the seat of power.
For his piece to camera, Steve rejects the ruined
Shack where that boy caught the bus. Instead, a backdrop of
Labourers is chosen, clearing back scrub in a field.
When they drift out of shot, Moises, the cameraman,
Calls them back. He shouts action when he’s ready and
The men act busy. The President’s compared to
Clinton. The thirty second shot is filmed in no
Time at all. A worker asks which program he’ll be
On. The answer’s cable channel fifty nine. He
Nods and heads back to work as we pack up the gear.
garanhuns 13.11.04
Anymore. Just a patch of land with half a dozen
Coconut trees and two tethered cows. Nearby a
Man works with his child, cutting back grass to feed the
Cows. He and the child kneel close to the floor, using
A hand scythe. The child’s more or less the same age as
Was the President when he left for the city
To look for work. The first steps on the long trek that
Lead him from this backwoods place to the seat of power.
For his piece to camera, Steve rejects the ruined
Shack where that boy caught the bus. Instead, a backdrop of
Labourers is chosen, clearing back scrub in a field.
When they drift out of shot, Moises, the cameraman,
Calls them back. He shouts action when he’s ready and
The men act busy. The President’s compared to
Clinton. The thirty second shot is filmed in no
Time at all. A worker asks which program he’ll be
On. The answer’s cable channel fifty nine. He
Nods and heads back to work as we pack up the gear.
garanhuns 13.11.04
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