A long-haired filmaker sits in a Shoreditch 'editing suite' watching his project put together.
A man in Finchley cleans his blinds.
An artist ponders the truth that every woman likes lazy Sunday mornings and Murakami.
A film-maker in the North deals with what the day has to throw at him.
An actress keeps an eye on him.
A woman in Bethnal Green smiles at her secret.
A woman in Peckham wonders what to do next.
An agent in the West smiles at the idea of Perestroika.
An artist has to face another trip to the hospital.
A director explores his late friend's legacy.
A woman in the North enters a silver slug and it makes her smile.
A historian wracks his brains.
A man in Italy is glad to have got Brixton out of his system.
King Creosote sings I was always hoping that I might just get by.
A woman from the South in the North sits in a meeting and a memory cuts across the face of her mind.
A man in Vauxhall thinks that his sister's fate and his own were not so far apart.
Saws wail in stereo.
A man and a woman in Sao Paulo are awoken by a low flying helicopter.
A teacher is tickled by the vaguaries of his wife's countrymen.
A man and a woman contemplate living in a 5th Avenue bathroom.
A market researcher cannot believe the beauty and trouble of twins.
An actress hopes she'll find a new house.
Another actress re-aquaints herself with her own.
A child less than one week old learns the meaning of the word cold.
His mother and father keep him warm.
A shopkeeper laughs again.
The Portuguese shout at one another.
An actor rehearses.
Another has a lie-in.
Another thinks ahead to football.
No-one is crying.
Everyone has thoughts in the back of their head they are not aware of.